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Blog - Free range, organic chicken

What Does it Mean for Chickens to be Free Range and Organic?

Date: Wednesday 22nd June 2022

You may already know that free range eggs and chickens are better for your health and that the chickens can roam freely around in the farm. But what do the terms “free range” and “organic” actually mean? How do they affect the quality of the food you are eating and the treatment of farm animals?

What are Free Range Chickens?

Free range chickens have access to roam freely outdoor every day and live in areas that are not too crowded. Organisations around the world have varying standards on what free-range farming is. The criteria mostly revolve around the maximum number of chickens allowed in a certain floor area (indoor stocking density), minimum number of hours they have access to the outdoors, the size and density of outdoor stocking area, regulations on stocking infrastructure, and beak trimming.

What Does Organic Chicken Mean?

Organic chickens refers to what is involved in the entire food chain, which must be free from chemicals, growth promoters, and GMO. Usually, these chickens can only eat certified organic feed and are not treated with antibiotics. Organic chickens are also required to be raised in a free-range manner with opportunity to exercise.

Key Benefits of Free-range and Organic Poultry

Free-range chickens are generally better for the chickens and consumers.

1. Healthier

Compared to conventional factory farmed chickens that are raise in cages, free-range chickens have much more sanitary and healthier living conditions with access to open space for movement. They have a more diverse diet as they are free to forage for grass, herbs and bugs. Some research has found that chickens raised on forage has higher amounts of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin A and E, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fats.

The diet of organic chicken assures consumers that they are eating the highest quality of meat free from chemicals and antibodies stays in the meat and can be found in conventional poultry.

2. Tastier

Free-range and organic chickens produce tastier meat! This is partly because they exercise regularly, developing muscles and leaner, juicer meat. They are also raised on a higher-quality diet which surely affects the taste of the meat.

3. More ethical

Free-range chickens live happier, healthier lives! They are free to run around in open spaces and forage, pecking, scratching, harvesting seeds and eating bugs, keeping them very busy. Without this natural behaviour, chickens in confined spaces may start pecking their own feather or at each other!

At MeatMarket, our free-range chickens are certified by the Australian certification trademark, FREPA. Shop our free-range and organic chickens.

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