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Blog - Do's & Don'ts of Valentine's Day Meal

Aphrodisi-oops – some Valentine’s dos and don’ts.

Date: 8th February 2023
Author: Laura Dodwell-Groves

Planning on a romantic evening at home, cooking up a marvellous feast for your loved one? Here are some home truths we’ve found.

Keep it simple

While we applaud ambition, this might not be the night to attempt a daring recipe you’ve never tried - the stress it entails may not make for an amorous mood. Or even if it is a triumph, if your partner does not give it the appreciation it deserves it may also put a damper on the occasion. I note an incident where after two days were spent preparing a jugged hare, the recipient doused it in ketchup and brown sauce (needless to say, the hare ended up on someone’s head).

If ambition and complication appeals, prepare the meal ahead of time – something slow cooking while you dress. Or perhaps make it together: imagine the hallmark moments of getting flour on each other’s noses, or the shared laughter over the sunken puddle of unrisen chocolate souffle.

Aromatic ambiance

Why bother to light that expensive rose and sandalwood scented candle if the overriding aroma is going to be the salmon fillets you grilled. Fish or deep-fried smells dissipate more slowly, so think about cooking things that have less lingering aromas. Or that will add to the mood and smell amazing while cooking – perhaps a ragu or banana bread.

While thinking of thinking of aromas, do remember the ins and outs to avoid – nix garlic or raw onions, beans or cabbage, for all of the obvious reasons.


The jury is out on how much potency these foods have, and historically so many foods have been given credit for libido boosting, this list could be endless – Spanish fly (beetle) and ground rhinoceros anyone?

Certain foods have been seen to act a bit like nature’s Viagra by relaxing blood vessels, e.g. beef, pumpkin, avocado and walnuts. For the stereotypical aphrodisiacs, alcohol does its bit to lower inhibitions, but for the others – e.g. oysters, strawberries and chocolates – the science seems to suggest the placebo affect is alive and well. Perhaps do your own tasting menu and see if any of them do it for you.

Temper expectations

Don’t place unrealistic expectations on food or gifts or flowers or chocolates or one side of the partnership to make the occasion for you. Sometimes the most romantic gestures are the small things on other days of the year.

And one always has to eat, so do let us know if we can help.

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